Friday, July 20, 2012

Into the Deep

We have this print on the wall at the foot of our bed. I love this image because every morning I wake up and she is already diving into the deep. She is in the air, poised, and committed. But, she also seems thrilled by it all. There is a smile creeping around the edge of her face that says, "I was born to do this."

I remember growing up and watching the older kids jump and dive off the board at the pool. I wanted to dive but I had to learn how to swim. I wanted to dive but I was afraid of the deep end. So, I kept watching kids jump and dive for a few more days but every time they left the board they had a smile on their face and when they resurfaced they had a smile on their face.

Finally, I decided the fun of it all must outweigh fear of what was required. And so I learned as quickly as possible how to swim. At least I learned enough to convince my mom I could jump, land, come back up, and somehow get to the ladder.

The next day my launch countdown began. Several of my friends helped 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. My heart was pounding with both fear and delight. I ran. I jumped and the board sent me flying up, up, up...I had a huge smile on my face. So big, I forgot to close my mouth when I landed. But I recovered well. I am so glad I jumped.

I got this print and framed it because I often forget the joy that comes from leaping into the air. Luke 18:17 says, Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.

When I wake up in the morning and see her already in flight I pray that I will enter his kingdom today like a child, with joy, delight and trust. There are days I do not feel like jumping. There are days the deep end seems too deep. More days than not I feel less than flight-worthy.

Have you ever had a dog that you tried to train? "Jump,boy, Jump!" And the dog just stares at you. Maybe Ol'Roy looks up at a bird flying through the air and thinks, "You should have bought a bird!"

Somedays we won't make it to the pool. We won't make it to the deep end. We won't make it to the board or take flight. But we aren't dogs or birds. But, in Christ we are the children of God and we were born to do this; to run, the jump, to dive into the deep, and trust Him. Maybe you can take flight today. Enjoy the ride.

Psalm 37:4-5 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 5. Commit your way to the Lord; trust him and he will act.


  1. thanks for the encouraging words johnathan! love ya friend.

  2. ali says: love this... thanks for encouraging me to dive in. your words + actions inspire me daily.

  3. Love you, the words, the picture, thanks.
